Academic Year 2023/24

DateSpeaker Topic
October 05, 2023No Seminar (Math Colloquium)
October 12, 2023Peter Koymans (ETH Zürich)Weak approximation on
the norm one torus
October 19, 2023Andrzej Weber (University of Warsaw)Elliptic Characteristic classes
of matrix Schubert varieties:
patterns and algebra
October 26, 2023Public Holiday
November 02, 2023Vivian Kuperberg (ETH Zürich)Sums of odd-ly many fractions
and the distribution of primes
November 09, 2023No Seminar (Math Colloquium)
November 16, 2023Ailsa Keating (University of Vienna)An invitation to
symplectic mapping class groups
November 23, 2023Timo Richarz (TU Darmstadt)The geometric Satake isomorphism
for twisted reductive groups
November 30, 2023Dan Petersen (Stockholm University)Moments of families of
quadratic L-functions
over function fields via
homotopy theory
December 07, 2023No Seminar (Math Colloquium)
December 14, 2023Bartosz Naskręcki (Adam Mickiewicz University)Higher moments of elliptic curves
December 21, 2023
(Mondi 2, I01.01.008*2:30pm
Martin Kalck (University of Graz)Derived categories of singular varieties
January 11, 2024
Alexander Ritter (University of Oxford)Symplectic cohomology of conical symplectic resolutions
January 18, 2024Oscar Garcia-Prada (ICMAT)Higgs bundles and the topology of higher Teichmüller spaces
January 25, 2024Soumya Sankar (Utrecht University)Curve classes on conic bundle threefolds and applications to rationality
February 01, 2024
(TU Graz)
March 07, 2024No Seminar (Math Colloquium)
March 14, 2024Eric Yen-Yo Chen (EPFL, Lausanne)Relative Langlands duality of singular automorphic periods
March 21, 2024Jens Eberhardt (University of Bonn)Sheaves on Stratified Spaces
March 28, 2024No Seminar
April 04, 2024No Seminar
April 11, 2024No Seminar (Math Colloquium)
April 18, 2024Tim Santens (KU Leuven)The leading constant in Malle’s conjecture
April 25, 2024Young-Hoon Kiem (KIAS, Seoul)Shifted Lagrange multipliers method
May 02, 2024Amina Abdurrahman (IHES, Paris)Square roots for symplectic L-functions and Reidemeister torsion
May 08, 2024
Leonid Monin (EPFL Lausanne)Discrete and continues duality algebras
May 09, 2024Public holiday
May 16, 2024Bảo Châu Ngô (University of Chicago)On the Bernstein decomposition of the stable cocenter
May 23, 2024Elyes Boughattas (University of Bath)Fibration method over F_q(t)
May 30, 2024Public holiday
June 06, 2024Junliang Shen ((Yale University)Fourier transforms, algebraic cycles, and abelian fibrations
June 13, 2024Mark Shusterman (Weizmann Institute of Science)Counting Minimally Ramified Global Fields 
June 19, 2024GRAZ-ISTA NUMBER THEORY DAYUpcoming Seminars
June 20, 2024
Jacinta Perez Gavilan Torres (Jagiellonian University, Krakow)Atoms and charge beyond type A
June 20, 2024
Leonardo Patimo (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg)A geometric approach to the charge statistics
June 27, 2024Julian Demeio (University of Bath)The Grunwald Problem for solvable groups